For a delivery of less than 400 miles - $.25 per mile
Example Cost - Texarkana to Dallas
Approximately 360 miles round-trip = $90.00
For a delivery of more than 400 miles - $.30 per mile
$15.00 hotel surcharge for every 400 miles
Example Cost - Texarkana to Chicago
Approximately 1590 miles round-trip - $522.00
The reason for the cost difference is because I will be stopping approximately every 400 miles for the day and will have to pay for a hotel room. I will do my best to make the trip in the minimum number of days possible. If I can make the trip with one less night stay than anticipated I will either drop the mileage fee to $.25 per mile or reduce the hotel surcharge fee. If you have any questions feel free to contact me and I will do my best to come up with a solution. Thanks for looking at Pandora's Persians!
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